Red Hair, Big Mouth, Big Opinions….

A Bold Red was born when I decided to stop being scared of putting my talents out there….and show the world my weird and wonderful self.   You see, I can pretty much size up any person or situation in a matter of minutes.  Fortunately or unfortunately I’m usually not wrong, even when I’ve wanted to be regarding said people or situations.  I’m often sought out by my friends, family, co-workers and occasionally strangers to give my no-nonsense opinions.   Does it ever get old having a friend that can tell you in a matter a minutes whether your man is good, or whether a co-worker is really out to get you?  Oh honey….just ask my friends, I’m SURE it does!   I can’t always help myself though, I promise I do try! But, I’ve had this knowing bubbling up inside of me….my WHOLE LIFE folks.    

Mom Genes!

Growing up my Mom always had this sense of what was going on even before I did.  This goes beyond the “mom’s intuition” phenomenon, this is like she had this way of knowing things she could not possibly know.  Like, knowing there was a bottle of wine in the floor behind her seat.  She got out of the car, stopped a moment reached around, grabbed the wine that was not visible as I had it covered with a sweater.  When she got out, I hopped in the front seat and my honey asked me, “Okay, how the heck did she know that was back there?”  It dawned on me, that I had not told her I was even bringing her anything and certainly hadn’t mentioned I had it in the floorboard of the car behind the passenger seat where she was seated.  When I asked her later how she knew it was there, and that it was for her, her response was, “Hmm, I’m not sure.”   Okay….anyways,  her Mom had it, my sister has a touch as well.  It’s not really a psychic ability, it’s more a strong read of energy and vibes and just a knowing of certain things.  I always say, I know this like I know my own name.   I’ve heard it possibly be labeled as being an Empath.   That’s maybe a good explanation for some of the “symptoms”.   In any case, it’s kept me out of trouble, mostly….and for the times I didn’t listen…sorry Mom and Dad! 

Military Dad!

Ya’ll, accountability is HUGE to me!  It’s your life, and I’ve always believed you’re in control of how you live it.   The other thing you should know, is that I get it.  We’ve all been through things that have the potential to take us to the floor, and often does take us down to the actual floor.   I don’t stay there though, because that does me no good.   I was put on this Earth to thrive, and honey, we can’t thrive when we’re on the floor crying about something that has already happened.   I learned some of this from my Dad.  He was a military man, a super young Dad and could have gone the way of the typical young kid that became a father and duck out.   Nope, not my Dad, he finished serving his time in the Army and returned home, married my mother and moved her and my little self in with him.   It definitely was not fairy tales and rainbows in our little family, but he taught me, through his actions you just get it done.   You don’t spend time crying over how you wish it was different.  For that I salute you Dad, and I say, At Ease Soldier, cause you done good. 

Why A Bold Red;   I’m a redhead, a wine lover (hence the play on words:  A Bold Red), and an adventurer by nature.  There are times when I don’t feel very bold, but this is when I put on my alter ego and get moving.   I may not get moving on the project or in the direction of what’s got me stumped at the moment, but I just get moving physically.   Whether it’s cleaning out my car, or reorganizing drawers, going for a walk.  There are any number of ways I distract myself from that mind chatter.  It always works!  I’m not where I want to be yet, but I am on my way. 

Welcome, look around, see what resonates and Thank you for coming to the party!